Issue 22 (2018)

Inner structure of the RVC foam

Autorzy: Wojciech Macek, Anna Gancarczyk, Marzena Iwaniszyn, Katarzyna Sindera, Mateusz Korpyś, Bogusz Stępak, Andrzej Kołodziej

Słowa kluczowe: RVC foam, computed microtomography, microscopy, laser ablation

Abstrakt: The analysis of the internal structure of RVC foams (Reticulated Vitreous Carbon) skeleton carried out by computed microtomography, did not allow to unambiguously determine to what extent their structure is discontinuous. Therefore, for more accurate observation, scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy were used. Micro-cuts with Xenon plasma and laser ablation were also done. In addition, the topography of the breakthrough surface of the RVC foam skeleton was analyzed. On the basis of the conducted tests, it was found that the RVC foam skeleton does not show internal porosity.

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