Precipitation of microcrystals imitating active pharmaceutical ingredients in model process with continuous, dynamic mixing of reagents streams

R. Pawełczyk, J. Jaschik
Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 3, 95-96 (2010)

Crystals size distributions of calcium oxalate imitating active ingredients for inhalation therapies precipitated in model reaction, were studied. The TPJ distributor was applied to mix two streams with reagents. The width of nozzles, inter nozzles distance, velocity of streams and concentration of reagents were concerned. The desired crystals size distribution of 1-5 micrometer in diameter can be obtained from concentration of reagents equal to 0.003 mol/dm^3 and velocity of impinging streams about 3 m/s. Above mentioned parameters hold especially for 1 mm wide nozzles.

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