Carbon dioxide removal from aqueous amine solutions by desorption on hydropfobic membranes

Z. Ziobrowski, A. Rotkegel, R. Krupiczka
Przem. Chem., 91/7, 1449-1451 (2012)

The process of carbon dioxide removal from monoethanolamine (MEA) - water and trietanoloamine (TEA) - water solutions were investigated on hydrophobic membranes: PDMS Pervatech (i) and 4069 Sulzer (ii). The examined (i) and (ii) can be applied for CO2 removal from amine - water solutions. The measured CO2 mass fluxes and selectivities do not change significantly with amine concentration and Re number (in developed turbulent flow Re > 10000). The CO2 mass fluxes increase with rising feed temperature. The long term investigation ( 6 months) demonstrates that only (i) does not show the symptoms of degradation (decreasing mass flux and selectivity) and can be applied in industrial processes.

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