Utylization of methane contained in ventilation air from coal mine shafts in a thermal flow reversal reactor

K. Gosiewski, A. Pawlaczyk, M. Jaschik
Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 3, 37-38 (2010)

The paper presents a problem of utilization of methane contained in ventilation air (VAM) from coal mine shafts through its non-catalytic combustion in the so-called thermal flow reversal reactors (TFRR). The research carried out in a demonstration reactor revealed that it could operate autothermically for concentrations higher than 0.2 CH4 vol.% and with heat recovery above 0.4 vol.%. It was shown that for concentration approaching 1 vol.% the heat recovery at least 5 MWt for every 100000 m^3 (STP) of ventilation air is possible.

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